ExLoader Contacts Agreement

If you came here looking for mods for any game but accidentally landed on this page, we recommend returning to the main site page to search for the mod you need: ExLoader

Website statistics (daily users + monthly users + geo)

monthly-users monthly-geo

Application's statistics (daily users + monthly users + geo)

monthly-users monthly-geo

Examples of adverts and where they are placed


Which banners sizes do you support?

If it's a website then 1000x1000px for a square banner and 1455x135px for a wide banner. In the app, the only size available is 1000x80px. (Width x Height)

Available banners formats, regions and pages

You can place both .png and .gif banners. If you decide to place your advert on the site, you can choose the language subdomain where your banner will be placed. For a client, you can choose any specific countries where your advert will be shown! Ads on the website are placed only on the pages of specified games and mods for that games, but in the client you can place a banner that will be shown on all app's screens, or on any game page you want!

Are there any restrictions for ads that you won't publish?

We will not publish scam projects, casinos, viruses, suspicious software, betting predictions, quick-rich-schemes or any other illegal shit. We won't change our minds even for great money!

What is the price of advertising and where can you contacts be found?

The price of the advert depends on the chosen type of advertising (specifically for 1 game/on all screens of the application), region and on what exactly you want to advertise. Our contacts are located at the bottom part of this page!

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