LUAs installation path:
If you do not know how to open this path then click the path to copy the command that you need to paste into CMD and press enter. (CMD can be found with Windows search, make sure you launch it with Admin rights). This action will open necessary folder! P.S. This command does not work if path is Game folder, that one you need to find manually!

busikborzut Kaiflegit for pandora
16 April 2023
Kayf hands, kayf visuals, aim no) it's legit in pandora))))

hackthread ◑ melancholic - Rage Config
16 May 2023
Best visuals, binds and settings in one cfg. Play with rage and own ALL!! Binds: ALT - Auto peek, M3 - 3 person, M4 - DT, M5 - HS.

toppopo040 RAZE cfg
28 May 2023
SS Razer's private config, fucking everybody left and right.

cryzen legittt by cryzen
01 September 2023
cfg without aim, you won't find a better one.

mishacadilac Big update! Spider.lua
22 October 2023
Made a big update to this lua. Added a bunch of visual stuff. Thanks

havi.fizetes My HvH cfg.
17 December 2022
HvH cfg which is good.Freestand - m5Auto peek - m5Min dmg override - m4Fake duck - altThirdperson - V

xdrome893 lordcrypto' best pandora CFG
02 January 2023
Overpowered CFG (hitting skeet)Best Anti-Aim (All misses)Good Visuals

oziginegor cfg hvh on youtuber's pandora
11 February 2023
One youtuber's usual rage cfg.
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