Launch guide/advices

Sometimes this mod's launcher may not start with the first attempt, so if nothing appears, just launch it second time! After launching the loader you need to click the "Install Files" button, to install additional files, and only then you can click "Inject". The menu appears only after entering online, you can control it with the arrows and the Enter/Backspace keyboard buttons.

Popular functions in this mod

Wallhack, ESP, WH - highlights enemies through walls


Aimbot - automatically positions your crosshair on enemies


Triggerbot - auto shooting if crosshair is positioned on the enemy

Can i install configs and LUAs and where do i put them?

Configs installation path: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\N3NY000. To install pre-made configs and lua scripts for modification, you can click on the gear button, which it is located near the modification's launch button.

N3NY000 Menu - Virus-Free ModMenu for GTA V N3NY000 Menu - Virus-Free ModMenu for GTA V N3NY000 Menu - Virus-Free ModMenu for GTA V